
246 results

Health of Māori language

These reports provides an overview of the health of the Māori language in 2006, and makes some comparisons with the health of the Māori language in…

Local Content Report 2008

Since 1989 NZ On Air has measured local free-to-air television content. The Local Content Report compares the schedules of the four national free-to-air channels in 2012…

Effective Pedagogy in Social Sciences: Tikanga ā Iwi: BES

This work is part of the Ministry of Education’s Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis (BES)Programme. This programme aims to systematically identify, evaluate, analyse, synthesise, and make accessible,…

National Depression Initiative Tracking Survey 3

This survey is the second to access the impact of the "John Kirwan" National Depression Initiative (NDI) Campaign. A total of 1,006 interviews were completed nationally with…