
2185 results

Job Mobility and Wage Dynamics

Matched employer-employee data research has found that workers’ wages are affected by the characteristics of the firms they work in, and that higher skilled workers tend…

Refugee Resettlement: A literature review

This international literature review on refugee resettlement policy, completed in November 2007, provides part of the information platform for progressing a multi-year, cross-departmental research project being…

A Focus on Science Achievement

This paper summarises data on engagement and achievement in science across primary and secondary schools. This information has been collated across national and international studies undertaken…

Career guidance by telephone

In 2007, Careers New Zealand piloted career guidance by telephone to identify if it should form part of its suite of integrated career services offered to young…

ALAC Alcohol Monitor 2007-08

This report updates the drinking behaviours report produced for ALAC covering the 2005-06 and 2006-07 periods. Whereas the reports for these previous years are based on four…