
197 results

Ngā Wawata o Ngā Whānau Wharekura

This report is the outcome of a research project undertaken in response to widespread concerns about the educational programmes currently offered in many Māori medium secondary…

NEMP Reading and Speaking Assessment Results 2008

In 2008, the second year of the fourth cycle of national monitoring, three areas were assessed: music, aspects of technology, and reading and speaking. This report…

The Quality of Teaching in Kura Māori

This report presents the findings from an Education Review Office (ERO) evaluation of the quality of teaching in kura Māori. The Ministry of Education asked ERO…

State of Education in New Zealand

This report presents a picture of New Zealand’s education system with indicators on participation, achievement, effective teaching, labour market outcomes and resourcing across the early childhood,…

An Evaluation of the CAS Pilot Project 2006-2007

In 2005, the MOE and the NZQA began a pilot programme to trial the use of the latest generation of calculators which included Computer Algebraic Systems…