
856 results

Evidence rating scale

Good intentions for social policies, programmes, services and practices are not always enough. Decision-makers need quality evidence to know whether the programmes or services and they…

Off-benefit transitions

The research looked at 140,000 people who moved off a benefit from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011. This period was chosen because it allowed…

Social Workers in Schools

This evaluation provides new insights into the Social Workers in Schools (SWiS) initiative. Social workers in Schools (SWiS) is a government-funded, community social work service provided in…

Court User Survey

This paper summarises the results of the Court User Surveys. The Ministry of Justice commissioned Colmar Brunton to conduct the survey, which is designed to measure…

Better Public Services Results for Māori

This booklet relates to the Government’s Better Public Services programme that focuses on State Sector services working together to deliver improved services and better results for…

Māori in the labour market - monitoring report

Māori in the Labour Market -2017 presents key labour market indicators for Māori between 2012 and 2017 using annualised data from the Household Labour Force Survey…

2016 Benefit System Performance Report

This report highlights key dynamics of the benefit system and how they impact long-term benefit dependency. It is the fourth internal actuarial report produced in relation…

Māori Family Violence Infographic

This resource introduces a set of indicators collated from a range of agencies which provide a picture about the prevalence of violence across Māori families in…