
2247 results

Productivity and Local Workforce Composition

This chapter examines the link between firm productivity and the population composition of the areas in which firms operate. We combine annual firm-level microdata on production,…

Estimating the determinants of population in Auckland

This paper analyses the location choices of new entrants to Auckland between 1996 and 2006, to identify a systematic relationship between residential location choices and features…

Looking Ahead: Science Education for the Twenty-First Century

The Prime Minister Rt Hon. John Key Private Bag 18041 Parliament Buildings Wellington 6160 23 November 2010 Dear Prime Minister Re: Science Education In accord with my terms of reference, over the last year…

Secondary Schools and Alternative Education

Alternative Education (AE) is an initiative for students aged 13 to 16 who have become alienated from mainstream education. Many of the students placed in Alternative…

Public Perception Research 2011

Each year, a Public Perceptions Report is completed which reports on New Zealander’s perceptions of local content, such as awareness and understanding of the role of…