
255 results

Working with National Standards: Good Practice

This report is part of a series of national evaluation reports ERO is publishing over three years about the implementation of the National Standards in English-medium…

Māori Youth Transitions: Gateway

This summary is specific to good practice findings in the Gateway programme, which was one of the three programmes or services evaluated. Gateway supports secondary students in…

Te Kōtahitanga

The Te Kōtahitanga project sought to investigate how to improve the educational achievement of Māori students in mainstream secondary school classrooms, by talking with Māori students and…

Evaluation of Skylight's Travellers programme

Travellers is an early intervention programme run by Skylight for students (generally in Year 9) in New Zealand secondary schools.In order to build on existing studies…

Competent Children, Competent Learners

The Competent Children, Competent Learners project is a longitudinal study undertaken by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) which focuses on a group of…

Teacher Loss Rates

These reports outline trends in teacher numbers, teacher loss rates and reasons for teacher losses. They are produced annually by the Demographic & Statistical Analysis Unit…

Trends in the German High School Market

This research provides information for New Zealand Secondary schools interested in, or currently active in, the German market. The report covers a breakdown of the main…

Enterprise in The New Zealand Curriculum

This ERO report has been written to help schools develop enterprise learning. Seven case studies present the challenges and benefits of enterprise as authentic teaching and…