
397 results

Annual Report on Drinking-water Quality 2011–2012

This report describes the microbiological and chemical quality of water in New Zealand drinking-water supplies serving populations of more than 100 people, and progress towards meeting…

Organised crime: All of government response

The Organised Crime Strategy (the Strategy) outlined a multi agency work programme containing 15 initiatives designed to build on the laws passed over 2009-2011 to target…

New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators 2011

The New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators are the result of collaboration between the Ministry of Health and maternity stakeholders, representing consumer, midwifery, obstetric, general practice, paediatric…

New Zealand Police Workplace Survey results 2013

Over the past few years the NZ Police Workplace Survey has helped provide valuable insight into the climate of our organisation. It has provided a focus…