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Broadcasting Standards Authority | Te Mana Whanonga Kaipāho

Website: Broadcasting Standards Authority

Use of Social Media Content in Broadcasting: Public and Broadcaster Perspectives

New Zealanders’ attitudes to their personal social media content and their expectations about how broadcasters can use it, are revealed in new research commissioned by the…

Children's Media Use Research

Our lives are now awash with media. Consequently our children are exposed to, or can potentially access more content, from a wider range of media, on…

What Not to Swear: The Acceptability of Words in Broadcasting

Warning! The report  – and this page – contain language that some people will find offensive. This report documents the findings of a national survey carried out…

The Real Deal: Experiences of and Attitudes towards Reality TV

In the past the Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) has determined a variety of complaints relating to reality programmes. Such complaints most typically cite issues such as…

Matters of Opinion: Expectations and Perceptions of Standards in Talkback Radio

This report presents the findings from a comprehensive three-stage research programme designed to inform and guide the Broadcasting Standards Authority and broadcasters.  

Watching the Watchers: What Children Watch on TV and How They Respond

This report presents the findings of qualitative research carried out for the Broadcasting Standards Authority from December 2008 to April 2009 with 14 children and their…

Children's Interests: A Review of Broadcasting Standards Authority Child Complaints Decisions

This review has been commissioned to examine BSA decisions on complaints lodged regarding children as viewers of, and participants in, television broadcasts.  

Some Content May Offend: Public Attitudes to Content Classifications and Warnings on Free-to-Air and Pay TV

This research explored public awareness of, and satisfaction with, classifications and warnings used on New Zealand free‑to‑air and pay television.  

What Not to Swear: The Acceptability of Words in Broadcasting

Warning! These reports and this page contain language that some people will find offensive! This report documents the findings of a national survey carried out in…

Principles and Pragmatism: A Journalist's Perspective

This report provides an assessment of BSA decisions from a journalist’s perspective. This report addresses the following questions: • Where is the tension between the ‘bottom-line standards’…