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21 results within

Ministry of Youth Development | Te Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi

Website: Ministry of Youth Development


Phone: 04 916 3300

Guide to Effective and Safe Practice in Youth Mentoring, Aotearoa New Zealand, 2nd Edition

Mentoring can have a powerful and positive influence on the lives of young people as they grow and transition into adulthood. As part of the Children’s…

Youth Wellbeing Survey

If you're between the ages of 12 and 24 and live in greater Christchurch, you're part of a group that actively participates in our region as…

Northland Youth Voices Consultation Report

The “Northland Youth Voices” project was commissioned by the Northland Intersectoral Forum (NIF) to provide information that would help it deliver on its strategic priority of…

Young, Disabled,and Speaking Out

The Office of Disabilities Issues (ODI) is responsible for preparing the New Zealand report on New Zealand's implementation of the United Nations' Convention on the Rights…

University Entrance changes consultation for the New Zealand Qualifications Authority

The Ministry of Youth Development arranged a youth consultation for the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) about proposed changes to the University Entrance standard. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority…

Canterbury Youth Quake Consultation (2010)

This report provides an analysis of the findings from a survey and forum with young people in response to the Canterbury earthquake.  The report is intended…

Youth Issues Survey report from Waikato Rangatahi (2010)

Young people taking part in a Māori Youth Summit in Hamilton in September 2010 were invited to respond to a set of questions about what’s important…

Youth Issues Survey report (2010)

The Ministry of Youth Development wished to obtain insight into the issues of interest and concern – affectively salience, to young people in the 12-24 year…

What Works in Social Marketing to Young People? (2010)

A systematic review of current evidence of youth-specific social marketing interventions that imporved outcomes for young people. This review describes successful social marketing campaigns that have…

A National Survey of Children and Young People's Physical Activity and Dietary Behaviours in New Zealand: 2008/09: Key Findings

This is the first national survey of physical activity, sedentary behaviours and dietary habits in five to 24 year-olds in New Zealand. The Survey was commissioned…