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Department of Internal Affairs | Te Tari Taiwhenua

Website: Department of Internal Affairs

A Survey of Community and Charity Organisations in the Manukau Ward and Manurewa Local Board

The purpose of this report is to advise on the results of the ‘Applying for grants from Gambling (‘pokies’) Societies 2013’ Survey (the survey). This constitutes…

Desktop review of information available on non-club gaming society websites

At the time of this review there were 46 licensed non-club gaming societies (NCS) operating gaming machines in commercial venues in New Zealand. Under regulations associated…

The distribution of non-casino gaming machine profits in New Zealand

Gaming machines in New Zealand are operated by non-club gaming societies who operate gaming machines in commercial venues, and clubs that typically operate gaming machines in…

Engagement between business and community organisations

A summary of research into businesses’ current practices, needs, motivations and experience sounding supporting community organisations. The report also includes advice on practical steps community organisations…

What Works: Community Facilities Fund and Marae Heritage Fund Capital Projects in communities and community wellbeing

In 2010/11 the Lottery Grants Board commissioned research to better understand the beneficial outcomes that occur for communities that receive grants for capital projects. The projects…

Analysis of Local Government Rating Tools and Forecast Revenue

Pursuant to section 23(5) of the Local Government Rating Act 2002 (the Act), local authorities are required to submit a copy of their rates resolution to…

Observations on the use of Debt by Local Government in New Zealand

The use of debt by local government in New Zealand has historically followed a cyclical pattern. This pattern is the result of a number of factors.…

Community Access to Digital Technologies: a literature review

The purpose of this literature review was to find the evidence needed to better answer the following questions: What are the factors (including precursors) that relate…

Sustainability in Community Organisations: a literature review

The Research and Evaluation Services Team of the Department of Internal Affairs conducted this literature review to inform and support its work with communities. The project…

Review of selected New Zealand government-funded community development programmes

This paper draws on the evaluations of some government-funded community development programmes undertaken in New Zealand in recent years to gain insights into the practices adopted…