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Department of Internal Affairs | Te Tari Taiwhenua

Website: Department of Internal Affairs

Desktop Review of Local Government Representation Processes

The Local Electoral Act 2001 and the Local Government Act 2002 provide the statutory framework for local authorities to undertake reviews of their representation arrangements. The…

Local Government Information Series: Analysis of 2007/08 Development Contributions

The Department of Internal Affairs engaged SPM Consultants Limited to conduct a review of 2007/08 development contributions in order to assess the variability and levels of…

Local Government Information Series: Analysis of 2007/08 Financial Contributions

The Department of Internal Affairs engaged SPM Consultants Limited to conduct a review of 2007/08 financial contributions in order to assess the variability and levels of…

Evaluation of the Lottery Pacific Provider Development Fund 2005-2007

In December 2007, DIA commissioned this evaluation of PPDF to assist the Board to make a funding decision about PPDF and to confirm the continuation of…

Local Authority Candidates 2007

This report presents the results of a survey of local authority election candidates in the October 2007 elections. Candidates include those standing for community boards, licensing…

Local Authority Election Statistics 2007

This report presents the election statistics for district, city and regional council, distict health board and licensing trust elections held in the three week period ending…

A Survey of Government Funding of Non-profit Organisations

Non-profit organisations (NPOs) make a huge contribution to all aspects of New Zealand life and form a key part of the community and voluntary sector, yet…

Where do gaming machine profits go?

This report presents information on the allocation, to authorised purposes, of non-casino gaming machine profits. It is based on three surveys that gathered information relating to…

Barriers and Enablers to Participation in Local Government: A Qualitive Report

The Department of Internal Affairs (The Department) wishes to enhance public participation in the local government process to achieve better long-term decision-making for sustainable communities. In…

Analysis of Community Outcomes from Draft Long-term Council Community Plans

The Local Government Act 2002 requires all local authorities to facilitate a process, at least once every six years, to identify community outcomes. This identifies the…