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317 results in multiple government agencies

Evaluation of the Financial Assistance Package for Leaky Homes

This report presents and summarises findings from an evaluation of the Financial Assistance Package (FAP) for leaky homes. It has been written by the Infrastructure and…

The Impact of Further Education on the Employment Outcomes of Beneficiaries

Further education and training can assist beneficiaries to gain skills, improve their chances of gaining employment and reduce long-term benefit dependence. This study examines the impact…

How Permanent is Permanent Migration: Identifying the Determinants of Remigration for Skilled Migrants in New Zealand

Migration has played an integral role in the development of New Zealand and has been especially important for its labour force and economy. The 2006 census…

Work-related disease in New Zealand

This report provides a summary of work-related disease in New Zealand up to 2010 using the latest available data. It is the first report by the…

The incidence and persistence of cyclical job loss in New Zealand

In New Zealand, the impact of the 2007–2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) was milder than in most other developed countries, though still substantial, with employment declining…

The rise of temporary migration in New Zealand and its impact on the labour market

This study begins to answer the question of whether temporary migrants have had an impact on the employment outcomes of New Zealanders, either when the economy…

Labour Market Outcomes of Recent Migrants to New Zealand

The purpose of this report is to establish and report on baseline measures for reporting of recent migrants’ labour market outcomes in New Zealand. The focus…

The Role of Skills in Supporting Firm Growth Ambition

This report details the findings of a qualitative assessment of the importance of skills in helping New Zealand firms meet their growth ambitions. This assessment is…

The Impact of Wage Subsidies on Jobseekers’ Outcomes and Firm Employment

Wage subsidies are commonly used to assist disadvantaged jobseekers into employment. If effective they can contribute to reducing long-term benefit dependence. The current study examines the…

Firm-level Hiring Difficulties: Persistence, business cycle and local labour market influences

This research examines the incidence and persistence of reported hiring difficulties at the firm level. It investigates the characteristics of firms that are more likely to…