The Impact of Further Education on the Employment Outcomes of Beneficiaries

The Impact of Further Education on the Employment …
01 Sept 2013

Further education and training can assist beneficiaries to gain skills, improve their chances of gaining employment and reduce long-term benefit dependence.

This study examines the impact of undertaking further education on beneficiaries’ labour market outcomes. It focuses on those who had been receiving a benefit for at least 6 months when they newly enrolled at a tertiary institution over the period 2003–2005 and their outcomes 5 years later.2 Some results for those who started studying in 2008–2010 and outcomes 1–3 years later are also included.

The study addresses the following questions:

• What impact does participating in further education have on beneficiaries’ outcomes?

• What impact does completing a qualification have on beneficiaries’ outcomes?

• How do these vary by level and field of study and the demographic characteristics of participants?

A range of outcomes are considered, including subsequent employment, earnings and receipt of income support.

Impacts are estimated by comparing the outcomes of participating beneficiaries with the outcomes of matched comparison groups of beneficiaries who did not study. Matching is done using the method of propensity score matching.

The study uses recently linked administrative data from the tax, benefit and education systems, which provides information on all beneficiaries who enrol in tertiary education.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018