
281 results in multiple government agencies

Childhood Sexual Abuse and Alcohol Use Disorder

Childhood sexual abuse can have significant short- and long-term effects, including the subsequent development of alcohol use disorder. This report is an evidence-based guide on the association between…

Feasibility Studies

In Budget 2016/17 the two feasibility studies were funded to look into the viability of Project Tatupu and the Pacific Cultural Centre. These studies have now…

Pacific Adolescent Career Pathways

The Pacific Adolescent Career Pathways project is, to date, the largest and only Pacific-specific longitudinal study designed to explore and address information gaps on the formative…

Delivering Social Services Every Day

Social services are working more and more collaboratively to deliver services to New Zealanders. This occurs throughout the sector, from frontline NGOs delivering services on behalf…

Farmers’ mental health: A review of the literature

More than any other developed country, New Zealand's economy, people and environment depend on the success of land-based industries. The agriculture industry is at the core…