Search Results

190 results in multiple government agencies

Digital technologies for learning: Findings from the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016

This report looks at the role of digital technologies for learning in primary and intermediate schools. The report draws on data from the NZCER National Survey…

Better Public Services Results for Māori

This booklet relates to the Government’s Better Public Services programme that focuses on State Sector services working together to deliver improved services and better results for…

Māori Family Violence Infographic

This resource introduces a set of indicators collated from a range of agencies which provide a picture about the prevalence of violence across Māori families in…

NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016: Methodology and sample information

This report describes sampling and analysis details for the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016, as well as respondent characteristics and characteristics of the…

Formative evaluation of the Whānau Ora commissioning agency model : an independent evaluation report

The aim of the formative evaluation is to examine how well the Whānau Ora commissioning model is working across the three agencies. It addresses the key…

2015 Annual Evaluation Report for the Teach First NZ Programme

This is the third annual evaluation report of the Teach First NZ programme pilot, delivered in partnership with the University of Auckland. It confirms that the…

Secondary schools in 2015

This is a comprehensive picture of the current experiences and challenges for secondary schools in New Zealand. It presents the findings from NZCER's national survey of…

Developing primary science teacher expertise: Thinking about the system

This report comes from an exploratory project looking at professional learning and development for primary science teachers. In recent years there has been increased interest in…

Creating a belonging place

This report presents findings from a case study of Owairaka District School's collaboration with their community as part of the Garden to Table programme and other…

Sharing our gifts with the community

This is the third case study from a research project on successful and sustained collaborations between New Zealand schools and community and professional experts. The report…