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125 results in multiple government agencies

He Waka Tapu Violence and Abuse Intervention Programme and Caseworker Programme Outcome Evaluation - 2007

He Waka Tapu Trust is a Maori health and social services organisation operating in the region of Ngāi Tahu ki autahi (Christchurch) in the South Island.…

Evaluation of DARE to make a Choice

The Crime and Justice Research Centre (CJRC) carried out a new evaluation of the DARE to make a Choice (Choice) drug education programme. The evaluation was based…

Māori in Australia

This report uses data from a survey and interviews completed in 2006 by more than 1200 Māori across Australia. The Trans-Tasman flow of people, money, ideas…

Clandestine Drug Laboratory Report - 2006

This report provides an overview of information related to the dismantling of clan labs by New Zealand Police during the 2006 calendar year.  'Official' clan lab…

Evaluation of the Kia Kaha Anti-Bullying Programme for Students in Years 5-8

This report describes an evaluation of the Kia Kaha Anti-bullying programme for students in years 5 – 8. Kia Kaha is an Anti-bullying programme developed by…

Māori Housing Experiences: Emerging Trends and Issue

This research investigates Māori housing experiences and aspirations to identify emerging trends and issues.

From Wannabes to Youth Offenders: Youth Gangs in Counties Manukau - Research Report

This research is part of a cross-sectoral, multi-faceted response to a call for significant government intervention in Counties Manukau after increased reports about escalating youth gang…

New Zealand Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring annual report 2006

New Zealand Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (NZ-ADAM) is a programme which seeks to measure drug and alcohol use among people who have recently been apprehended by…

Attitudes Toward the Māori Language

In order to measure progress toward achieving the fifth goal of the Māori Language Strategy, three telephone surveys of language attitudes were undertaken in 2000, 2003…

Hei Whakamārama i ngā Āhuatanga o te Tūrua Pō - Investigating Key Māori Business Characteristics for Future Measures: Thinking Paper

This research paper provides a wider understanding of the characteristics of successful Māori businesses. The brief was to analyse thirty case studies and identify framework characteristics…