New Zealand Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring annual report 2006

New Zealand Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring annual …
01 Sept 2006

New Zealand Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (NZ-ADAM) is a programme which seeks to measure drug and alcohol use among people who have recently been apprehended by police.

NZ Police obtained funding for a one-year initial pilot of NZ-ADAM at four sites (Whangarei, Henderson, Hamilton and Dunedin) to be followed by a three-year extension should the pilot prove to be successful and useful. Health Outcomes International (HOI) was contracted by NZ Police to conduct the pilot.

This is the first annual report for NZ-ADAM and covers the operation of the first full year of the NZ-ADAM programme in which all four participating sites (Whangarei, Henderson, Hamilton and Dunedin) were covered. Data collection for this period commenced on 1 July 2005 and continued through to 30 June 2006.

Page last modified: 13 Jul 2023