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741 results in multiple government agencies

PISA 2015: New Zealand Students Wellbeing

Students’ educational outcomes can be affected by a range of factors from inside and outside of the school grounds. For example, students who are motivated to…

Training for a Reflective Workforce: Transfer of learning for support worker apprentices

This report presents findings from a research project focusing on a group of 21 apprentices undertaking the new Careerforce apprenticeship programme, the Level 4 New Zealand…

Moving places: Destinations and earnings of international graduates

International students play an important role in New Zealand through the contribution they make to New Zealand’s economy, the diversity they bring to New Zealand and…

NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016: Methodology and sample information

This report describes sampling and analysis details for the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016, as well as respondent characteristics and characteristics of the…

Mode equivalency in PAT: Reading Comprehension

This report details the results of an investigation into the school-based assessment, PAT: Reading Comprehension, which has recently gone online. NZCER wanted to know whether the…

Digital technologies for learning: Findings from the NZCER national survey of primary and intermediate schools 2016

This report looks at the role of digital technologies for learning in primary and intermediate schools. The report draws on data from the NZCER National Survey…

Learning analytics tools, systems, initiatives, frameworks, and models: An annotated bibliography

This annotated bibliography reviews 261 papers on learning analytics tools, systems, frameworks, models, research studies, and tertiary education provider (provider) initiatives in New Zealand, Australia, Canada,…

Any difference? A comparison between the Integrated Dataset on Student Loans and Allowances and the Integrated Data Infrastructure

This report presents the findings of an analysis of student loan repayment times using the Integrated Data on Student Loans and Allowance (IDSL) and the Integrated…

Profile & Trends 2015: New Zealand's Workplace-based Learners [Part 6 of 6]

This is edition 18 in an annual series on the tertiary education sector. Profile & Trends 2015: New Zealand's Workplace-based Learners is one of six annual…

PISA 2012: Series on Learners Volume II: How students approach learning

This report focuses on the links between maths anxiety, openness to problem solving, perseverance and maths achievement. It presents data which addresses the following areas: Maths…