Training for a Reflective Workforce: Transfer of learning for support worker apprentices

Training for a Reflective Workforce: Transfer of l…
01 Feb 2017
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Training for a Reflective Workforce: Transfer of l…
01 Feb 2017
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This report presents findings from a research project focusing on a group of 21 apprentices undertaking the new Careerforce apprenticeship programme, the Level 4 New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing. These apprentices are among the first to embark on the apprenticeship programme. NZCER explored the following questions:

1. How does the apprenticeship programme contribute to work capability?
2. What value is added by the apprenticeship programme (e.g. work practice, confidence and career pathways, client confidence)?
3. What are the implications for workforce planning, learning support and pathways development? 

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018