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741 results in multiple government agencies

2011 Survey of Income, Expenditure and Fees of Early Childhood Education Providers in New Zealand

This report presents results from the 2011 Survey of Income, Expenditure and Fees of ECE Services. It provides information on average costs of providing ECE services,…

Parents, families and whānau and their information needs

This report describes the main findings from research that provides valuable, in-depth insights about the information and communication needs of parents, families and whānau when they…

New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline: Supplementary evidence on supported employment services

The New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline (the ASD Guideline) was published in April 2008. As part of their commitment to the implementation of the guideline,…

Evaluation of Whakapiki i te Reo: A professional development programme for kaiako in Level 1 and Level 2 Māori medium settings

This report contains findings from an analysis of a quantitative survey of 50 kaiako from selected kura, and a series of qualitative interviews with kaiako, principals…

Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori: Kaiako survey

Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori were developed in 2009 by Māori medium leaders in Te Reo and Pāngarau and launched in Rotorua at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori…

Report of the Māori Medium Workforce Reference Group into strengthening the Māori Medium Education workforce (2012)

The Māori Medium Workforce Reference Group (the Group) was established by the Minister of Education, Hon Hekia Parata, to provide expert and independent advice on strengthening…

Literature Review: Innovative Teaching and Learning Practice for Māori Medium Education (2012)

This literature review aims to create an evidence-based foundation for supporting the development of effective and innovative practices that can contribute to quality teaching and learning.

ICCS (International Civic and Citizenship Education Study)

New Zealand was one of 38 countries which took part in ICCS in 2008. ICCS focuses on Year 9 students' knowledge and understanding of civic systems…

Monitoring Teacher Supply 2012

The 2012 Monitoring Teacher Supply report provides the Ministry with a snapshot of the number of entitlement staffing vacancies and re-advertised vacancies in schools at the…

National School Roll Projections

Projections and forecasts of school rolls are used by the Ministry of Education to assess the demand for resources in the school sector. They support the…