Evaluation of Whakapiki i te Reo: A professional development programme for kaiako in Level 1 and Level 2 Māori medium settings

Evaluation of Whakapiki i te Reo: A professional d…
01 Aug 2012
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Evaluation of Whakapiki i te Reo: A professional d…
01 Aug 2012
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This report contains findings from an analysis of a quantitative survey of 50 kaiako from selected kura, and a series of qualitative interviews with kaiako, principals and Whakapiki i te Reo (WKR) providers. This particular report is concerned with assessing the outcomes from the WKR programme, and particularly with the impact the programme is having on te reo Māori development of students, and the building of kaiako capability and kura capacity.


The purpose of WKR is to support Māori medium schools and settings to strengthen their commitment to the provision of high quality Māori language programmes for their students. Further to this, WKR programmes support kaiako capability and raise kura capacity and sustainability. The goal of WKR is to raise the competency and proficiency language levels of kaiako to increase students’ language development capability and to support community aspirations to regenerate tikanga, mātauranga, and te reo Māori particular to Māori medium schools and settings, in consultation with the whānau, hapū and iwi . Findings show that the WKR programme is reported as having a positive impact on the reo Māori ability of kaiako and students. More than 90% of kaiako state that the programme had in some way improved their overall reo Māori proficiency. Likewise, WKR had improved the overall language proficiency of students from kura who had kaiako involved in the programme.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018