Report of the Māori Medium Workforce Reference Group into strengthening the Māori Medium Education workforce (2012)

Report of the Māori Medium Workforce Reference Gro…
27 Jul 2012
Report of the Māori Medium Workforce Reference Gro…
27 Jul 2012

The Māori Medium Workforce Reference Group (the Group) was established by the Minister of Education, Hon Hekia Parata, to provide expert and independent advice on strengthening the capacity and capability of the Māori medium education workforce. In particular, the Group was tasked with addressing ongoing shortages in the supply of high quality, highly trained teachers who are fluent in te reo Māori. Ensuring an effective Māori medium teaching workforce is critical for supporting today’s and tomorrow’s students to succeed in education and beyond, and to have the pride and commitment to uphold tribal identity and integrity.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018