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741 results in multiple government agencies

In Pursuit of Excellence: Analysing the results of New Zealand's PBRF Quality Evaluations

This report analyses the results of the three Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF) Quality Evaluations. It also examines the types of research outputs and categories of peer…

An analysis of collaborative journal article authorship at New Zealand universities

This paper summarises the findings from previous studies of research collaboration in New Zealand and presents a new analysis of collaboration in New Zealand universities.

Kaiaka Reo: Reo-ā-Waha Ki Te Motu - The Development of Māori Oral Language Proficiency Progressions

This report presents the development process and outcomes of establishing Māori oral language proficiency progressions for year one to year eight learners that would inform National…

ECE Participation Programme Evaluation

The Early Childhood Education (ECE) Participation Programme was set up in 2010, and focuses on increasing ECE participation in areas where children are not participating in…

PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) 2010/11

The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) is a research study that provides both trend and snapshot information on the reading literacy of New Zealand's…

TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) 2010/11

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) measures trends in mathematics and science achievement at the fourth and eighth grades (Years 5 and 9)…

An analysis of recent Pasifika education research literature to inform and improve outcomes for Pasifika learners

This review of the literature highlights and clarifies key evidence towards improved learning and achievement outcomes for Pasifika learners and identifies priorities for future research in…

Understanding special education from the perspectives of Pasifika families

The aim of this report is to identify the strengths of current service provision; barriers to accessing SE services for Pasifika; and the extent to which…

e-Learning in science reports

This series e-Learning in science reports is part of a wider project  'Science in the New Zealand Curriculum'. This series is written for the Ministry Education by The New Zealand Council…

National Education Network Trial Extension: Evaluation Report

This report summarises the findings from the evaluation of the National Education Network Trial Extension (NEN Trial). It focuses on changes to teachers’ practices and the…