Kaiaka Reo: Reo-ā-Waha Ki Te Motu - The Development of Māori Oral Language Proficiency Progressions

Kaiaka Reo: Reo-ā-Waha Ki Te Motu - The Developmen…
01 Aug 2013
Kaiaka Reo: Reo-ā-Waha Ki Te Motu - The Developmen…
01 Aug 2013

This report presents the development process and outcomes of establishing Māori oral language proficiency progressions for year one to year eight learners that would inform National Standards in Māori medium contexts. The Ministry of Education sought to improve its understanding and develop progressions that would make explicit the progress students could be expected to make at the different ages and stages of their reo Māori development and how this could be measured.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018