Search Results

745 results in multiple government agencies

Evaluative study of co-located schools established following the Christchurch earthquake

As a result of the February 2011 earthquake and subsequent aftershocks, a number of schools in the central city and the eastern suburbs had sustained significant…

Evaluation of Literacy and Mathematics Additional Learning Programmes for Students 2011

This research report outlines the findings of an evaluation of the Literacy and Mathematics: Programmes for Students 2011, a Ministry of Education initiative to provide additional…

Background Papers: Māori Medium Initial Teacher Education Outcomes (2012)

This introduction examines the broad issues underpinning these two papers. The global context of education for Indigenous peoples is described, followed by the local context in…

Making a Difference to Pasifika Student Achievement in Literacy

This research report explores classroom and school-related factors associated with improvements in the literacy achievement and progress of Pasifika students beyond expected levels in schools participating…

A Risk Framework for Earthquake Prone Building Policy

The New Zealand Department of Building and Housing (DBH – now the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, or MBIE) is carrying out a review of…

2011 Survey of Income, Expenditure and Fees of Early Childhood Education Providers in New Zealand

This report presents results from the 2011 Survey of Income, Expenditure and Fees of ECE Services. It provides information on average costs of providing ECE services,…

Parents, families and whānau and their information needs

This report describes the main findings from research that provides valuable, in-depth insights about the information and communication needs of parents, families and whānau when they…

New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline: Supplementary evidence on supported employment services

The New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline (the ASD Guideline) was published in April 2008. As part of their commitment to the implementation of the guideline,…

Indicators of permanent migrants from the Pacific

Pacific people have a long history of settlement in New Zealand, with several waves of migration from various parts of the Pacific throughout the last century…

Employers’ Perspectives - Part two: The Minimum Wage System

This report presents the findings from two data sources of employers’ perspectives on the minimum wage system. The report discusses the prevalence of its use, how…