Waka Māori was a Māori showcase pavilion supported by Government to: contribute to the vibrancy and energy of the Auckland waterfront; provide a unique venue for hosting events that was quintessentially Māori, South Pacific and New Zealand in form; and provide a facility for future hosting opportunities at key international events promoting New Zealand.
This survey report captures visitors’ perceptions of Waka Māori. It also provides an insight into Waka Māori’s contribution to the economy, in line with Government’s interest in determining the economic impact of Rugby World Cup 2011 to New Zealand.
In collaboration with the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei, Te Puni Kōkiri undertook the development and implementation of a survey to gather feedback on the experiences of Waka Māori visitors, both domestic and international. Additionally, data indicating the economic contribution of Government’s investment in Waka Māori was sought.
The survey was conducted as an online survey from 25 October to 15 November 2011. Waka Māori visitors were approached as they queued at various points inside and outside the Waka and Herenga Waka and invited to participate in the research. Contact details were collected from all willing participants aged 15+ years so that a link to the online survey could be issued to them.
In order to ensure that survey participants were representative of all visitors, the collection of contact details occurred over 5 full days of the 10 days Waka Māori was open to the general public, including both weekdays and the weekend. During quieter periods all visitors were invited, whereas in busier periods every nth visitor was invited to participate. When families or groups entered, a ‘next birthday’ approach was used to select the respondent(s).
A total sample of 1,251 individuals provided their contact details and, of these, 482 visitors completed the survey.
The survey results have a maximum margin of error of +/- 4.5 percent at the 95 percent confidence level.