This evaluation summary highlights effective practice in kōhanga reo, specifically the support children need to grow and thrive through a quality immersion pathway. It identifies what works well, and how this contributes to whānau aspirations for equity and excellence. The Māori paradigm and the connections, relevance and significance of te reo Māori, tikanga Māori, te ao Māori and mātauranga Māori are paramount.
E aro nui ana te whakarāpopototanga aromātai nei ki te āta whakatakoto i ngā whakaritenga e whai hua ana ki ngā kōhanga reo, inarā, ko te tautoko e tika ana kia tupu, kia puāwai hoki ngā tamariki mā te kounga o te rumaki reo Māori. E tāutu ana i tēnā e whai hua ana, me te whai pānga anō hoki o tēnei ki ngā wawata o ngā whānau mō te mana taurite me te hiranga. Ko te tirohanga Māori, ko ngā hononga, te whaitake, me te whakahirahiratanga o te reo Māori, o ngā tikanga Māori, o te ao Māori, me te mātauranga Māori e noho taioreore ana.