The Management of Asbestos in the Non-Occupational Environment

The Management of Asbestos in the Non-Occupational…
28 Jan 2014
The Management of Asbestos in the Non-Occupational…
19 Dec 2013
This 2013 revised edition builds on the 1997 and 2007 editions. Major changes to the guidelines include:
  • incorporating the recent epidemiological review carried out by the Ministry
  • updating information on asbestos
  • including an asbestos fire fact sheet
  • changing the ‘Enforcement’ heading to ‘Health protection’
  • clarifying the role and responsibilities of WorkSafe New Zealand
  • highlighting the relevant sections in the Local Government Act that have been repealed by the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 (note specific reference to Health Protection Officers and Medical Officers of Health).
These guidelines are directed at non-workplace exposure to asbestos in the air and to help public health units (PHUs) of district health boards address public concerns and give sensible advice. In addition to drawing together background information, it suggests a protocol for a response related to the likely level of risk to health and considers how risks may be evaluated and communicated.

The guidelines provide guidance to PHUs on how to approach asbestos enquiries and how to manage interagency involvement. These measures will require cooperation and coordination at a local level by each agency and should involve formal agreements on how to proceed.

Properly applied, the guidelines will help to determine:

  • the risk of an asbestos hazard
  • appropriate advice on managing the risk, including appropriately communicating the risk.
People may be exposed to asbestos in non-occupational settings, primarily in and around the home. Asbestos exposure may also occur to a limited degree through para-occupational exposure, such as living in the vicinity of asbestos-related industries or bringing home contaminated clothes, tools, etc. The general population may also be exposed from living close to an asbestos-containing waste site or from a variety of asbestos-containing products, from poorly performed asbestos removal, or from living with deteriorating asbestos material.

Some public concern continues to be expressed about asbestos-cement products, which were used widely in New Zealand buildings until the mid 1980s. These products normally provide a matrix that binds asbestos fibres, preventing their release, but drilling or sawing, especially with power tools, that disturbs or damages the material can lead to fibres being released into the air. There is concern that the fibres released by such mechanical work may be a hazard to health.

These guidelines exclude the following places and activities:

  • places of work
  • ambient (outside) air
  • drinking-water
  • manufactured mineral fibres, such as wool, glass.
The agencies that are potentially involved with managing enquiries concerning asbestos include PHUs, regional councils, the Department of Labour and territorial authorities.


The guidelines provide guidance to public health units (PHUs) that contribute to the management of risks to health from asbestos in non-occupational settings. Also, technical information is provided to assist PHUs in their risk assessments.

People may be exposed to asbestos in non-occupational settings, primarily in and around the home.

Properly applied, the guidelines will assist with determining:

  • the risk arising from an asbestos hazard
  • appropriate advice on managing the risk, including risk communication.
In the non-occupational setting, asbestos exposure is unlikely to present a high level of risk. If exposure is encountered the affected person should be encouraged to inform their general practitioner. People exposed or potentially exposed to asbestos in an occupational or para-occupational setting may have heightened concerns about asbestos and require health counselling or other support.
Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018