Legal party pills and their use by young people in New Zealand: a qualitative study

Legal party pills and their use by young people in…
01 Jun 2007

The aim of this study was to conduct qualitative research into young people’s use of Legal Party Pills (LPPs), aligned with the six principles of the Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa (YDSA) (Ministry of Youth Affairs, 2002). The objectives of the research were:

  • To explore patterns of use of LPPs among young people aged 16-24;
  • To begin to describe effects and adverse effects of LPPs as identified by young people;
  • To explore the context of use among young people, the attraction of the products, and the influence of use of these products on social networks and social connectedness;
  • To explore knowledge of safe use in relation to LPP use;
  • To interview ‘key informants’ (e.g. individuals employed in youth and health services, LPP retailers etc.) to explore aspects of marketing, supply, concerns about youth use of the substances;
  • To provide information to support policy making and service delivery in identifying possible harm reduction and educational interventions;
  • To generate hypotheses or research questions for future research.
Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018