It Takes a Team...Report to the Ministry of Health on a proposed national service improvement plan for gynaecological cancer services.

It Takes a Team...Report to the Ministry of Health…
29 Sept 2012

In 2010, the Ministry of Health commissioned a report into current gynaecological cancer services and the options for improvement. The report was developed in collaboration with the sector and under guidance from a working group nominated by the New Zealand Gynaecological Cancer Group. Completed in July 2011, the report is intended to provide guidance to health service providers, funders and policy makers.

It Takes a Team… Report to the Ministry of Health on a proposed national service improvement plan for gynaecological cancer services: 

  • describes current demand and provision of gynaeoncology services
  • models future demand 
  • identifies methods and recommends options to improve equity, access, effectiveness and efficiency of services 
  • describes the preferred model of care and clinically and financially sustainable service delivery configuration
  • sets high-level goals, activities and measures to reach the preferred model of care.

Key recommendations from the report will be considered by a group of clinicians, who will look at the best way to reorganise services so women with gynaecological cancer have equal access to the best care.

The expert group will also provide further advice on the viability of a four-hub model for gynaecological cancer services in New Zealand.


The National Plan for Gynaecological Cancer Services (the Plan) is intended to provide guidance to health service providers, funders and policy makers on the most efficient and effective ways to deliver accessible and equitable high quality care for all of New Zealand women diagnosed with gynaecological cancer. The Ministry of Health commissioned Sapere Research Group to develop the Plan, in close collaboration with the sector and under guidance from a working group nominated by the New Zealand Gynaecological Cancer Group (NZGCG). The Plan:

  • describes current demand and provision of gynaeoncology services;
  • models future demand for gynaeoncology services;
  • identifies methods and recommends options to improve equity, access, effectiveness and efficiency of gynaeoncology service delivery;
  • describes the preferred model of care and associated clinically and financially sustainable service delivery configuration; and
  • establishes high level goals, activities and targets/measures to reach the preferred model of care.
Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018