Innovation and the city: Review of the Auckland regional innovation system

Innovation and the city: Review of the Auckland re…
01 Apr 2012
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Place matters in innovation. New ideas – and the capability to translate them into innovative goods, services, processes or markets – rely on the sharing of knowledge and resources by a diverse range of players, including firms, suppliers, employees, universities and government research institutes. For this paper, a review was undertaken to examine the extent to which Auckland has all the actors, linkages, inputs and framework conditions required for innovation. A regional innovation system approach was used. The review found that innovation in Auckland is constrained by business and management capability; a general lack of collaboration between business, and between industry and education/research organisations; and a lack of coordinated planning and investment to address the growth needs in areas of competitive strength. A number of recommendations for action are made for central, regional and local government to improve Auckland’s innovation performance, and thus New Zealand’s innovation performance.

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