He Kai Kei Aku Ringa - Whānau and Low-Income Household Savings

He Kai Kei Aku Ringa - Whānau and Low-Income House…
01 Apr 2015

Whānau and Low-Income Household Savings, He Kai Kei Aku Ringa, examines options for whānau and low-income household savings schemes, and identifies several areas through which the Crown, iwi and interested parties and/or stakeholders could intervene to encourage positive savings behaviour on behalf of whānau and low-income households.


This report:

• Reviews and analyses education, home ownership and retirement savings schemes available for whānau to determine gaps in service provision;

• Identifies opportunities for Crown and/or iwi intervention to promote savings schemes to whānau and better cater these schemes to whānau needs;

• Examines whānau and low-income household demand for tailored savings schemes to support continued discussion between the Crown, iwi and relevant stakeholders;

• Provides pragmatic recommendations for Crown and/or iwi measures to encourage whānau and low income household savings in a manner cognisant of the range of work under consideration within He kai kei aku ringa; and

• Identifies areas requiring additional research and investigation.

Our intention in preparing this report is to enable the Crown, iwi and stakeholders to engage in further dialogue on measures to encourage whānau and lowincome household savings for education and home ownership purposes. The recommendations of this report, together with the Group’s recommendations on financial literacy, form a suite of recommendations aimed at fostering whānau financial independence and autonomy.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018