Engaging Young Pacific Workers

Specifically Pacific: Engaging Young Pacific Worke…
01 Nov 2011
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Young Pacific people are a growing proportion of the New Zealand  workforce but very little is known about what helps them contribute fully at work.

This research asked young Pacific people and their managers how workplaces can get the best from these talented young  people.

The report is structured as follows:

− Literature review: This review covers literature on employee engagement, international and New Zealand literature on engaging younger workers, and literature on Pacific workers in New Zealand.

− Research findings: This chapter discusses the key themes from the interviews. It is divided into sections on: Pacific cultural values and the workplace, employee perspectives, and managers’ perspectives.

− Implications and conclusions: The final chapter highlights the key findings of the research.

− Appendices with research methodology, a description of the study participants, and references.

Page last modified: 15 Mar 2018