BES Case Study 2: Develop inclusice practice through a social studies programme

BES Case Study 2: Develop inclusice practice throu…
01 Dec 2007
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The best evidence syntheses (BESs) bring together research evidence about ‘what works’ for diverse (all) learners in education. Recent BESs each include a number of cases that describe actual examples of professional practice and then analyse the findings. These cases support educators to grasp the big ideas behind effective practice at the same time as they provide vivid insight into their application.

This New Zealand case provides a range of tools to help teachers develop inclusive practice in classroom teaching and foster inclusion in the peer culture across a school. It is informed by action research carried out by the teacher of a very diverse new entrants class but it has implications for teaching across the school. The teacher adopted a social constructivist approach that supported the development of an inclusive classroom community where student diversity was a valued resource for teaching and learning.

The case also explains the use of ‘thinking books’ to improve responsive teaching and learner self-management. Thinking books are a form of high-impact ‘learning log’ that can be effective for even 5-year-old students. This is a practical strategy for teachers seeking to support young learners to think about their learning.

Page last modified: 13 Jul 2023