319 results
Last Publication Date: 9 Dec 2009
This report identifies factors contributing to families being in problem debt, the impacts of such debt, and strategies used to get out of problem debt, including…
Last Publication Date: 8 Dec 2009
The Families Commission has been investigating issues related to parenting since 2005. When we have consulted with parents, mostly mothers have responded. Fathers and fathering have…
Last Publication Date: 3 Dec 2009
This report updates the previous drinking behaviours report produced for ALAC covering the 2005-06, 2006-07, and 2007-08 periods. The 2008-09 year saw a change in ALAC's…
Last Publication Date: 2 Dec 2009
In June 2008 the initial findings for adults and children from the 2006/07 New Zealand Health Survey were released in A Portrait of Health: Key results…
This publication series contains data about the active selected health professional workforce in New Zealand in both the public and private sectors who were sent invoices…
This annual statistical publication presents and summarises suicide information received from the New Zealand Mortality Collection, and admissions to hospital for intentional self-harm sourced from the…
Te Toi Hauora-nui provides information about innovative service approaches to improving Māori health, with particular emphasis on cardiovascular and diabetes mellitus programmes delivered in the primary…
The Nurse Practitioner (NP) was a new scope of practice launched by the Ministry of Health and the Nursing Council of New Zealand in May 2001.It…
The objective of the Evaluation of Youth One Stop Shops was to assist the Ministry and District Health Boards (DHBs) to understand the current place of…
This profile provides key facts and information about Māori smoking and tobacco use compared to non-Māori. It presents data on daily smoking rates over time, current…