Search Results

13 results

Seven years on: A follow-up study of frequent and problem gamblers living in the community

This study is part of The New Zealand Gambling Survey project. The 1998 follow-up study was primarily concerned with furthering knowledge about the nature of gambling in…

Problem Gambling Counselling in New Zealand 1997-1999

The report Problem Gambling Counselling in New Zealand 1997-1999 is based on follow-up interviews conducted in 1998 with 143 of the 217 people who participated in Phase…

The Effects of Employment Regulation

This Occasional Paper details the results and method of case study research, undertaken by the Labour Market Policy Group (LMPG) and the Centre for Research on Work,…

Human Capability: A Framework for Analysis

This report defines and discusses future implementation of the 'Human Capability Framework'. It first outlines the framework, including a description of 'advance wellbeing'. It then discusses…

Evaluation of the ACC Reforms: Case study research

This research was commissioned by the Labour Market Policy Group (LMPG) of the Department of Labour to evaluate the impact of the legislative changes on workplace…

Displacement effects of active labour market policy

This paper focuses on the displacement effects of employment programmes. A simple definition of displacement is any changes in employment elsewhere in the economy as a…

Employment and Mental Health: Issues And Opportunities

This paper outlines key issues connected to employment and mental health. It is intended to generate discussion and better understanding of the issues among the mental…

Housing and Mental Health: Reducing Housing Difficulties for People with Mental Illness

This paper outlines key issues in housing provision for people with serious mental illness and suggests a policy framework. It draws on the limited research available…

A Process Evaluation of the Operation and Change Management at the Taylor Centre: A Community Mental Health Service

This report outlines an evaluation of the Taylor Centre community mental health service based in Auckland. The evaluation was requested by the Mental Health Commission in…

A competency Framework for the Mental Health Workforce

This report outlines a model of core and advanced competencies for people working in mental health services. The core competencies and their associated performance criteria have…