
4046 results

Auckland Region Housing Market Assessment

This report assesses current and future housing demand, need and supply (2006 to 2026) in the Auckland region, its distribution, composition and also its implications. This…

Growing Up In New Zealand: Before We Are Born

Growing Up in New Zealand is a longitudinal study that provides an up-to-date, population relevant picture of what it is like to be a child growing…

Evaluation of the Safe@home project

The safe @ home pilot project is a collaboration between shine, an Auckland-based NGO, and the Avondale Police. The safe @ home service is delivered by shine…

Children’s contact with MSD services

This factsheet examines the contact young people born in 1993 had with Ministry of Social Development (MSD) benefit, care and protection and youth justice services in…

Career Futures for Pacific Peoples

This report, developed by the Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs and the Department of Labour, looks at occupations and industries with the highest future growth forecast,…