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155 results

Using information to improve social housing services

Having a safe and secure home in good condition is essential for people's well-being and quality of life. Providing houses for people who are struggling to…

Newly Graduated Teachers: Preparation and Confidence to Teach

In this evaluation, ERO met with newly graduated teachers (NGTs) and leaders in early learning services and schools to find out how confident and prepared NGTs…

Fulfilling the Vision: Improving Family Group Conference preparation and participation

From October to November 2016, Office of the Children's Commissioner conducted a review of six Child, Youth and Family (CYF) sites. This review was in preparation for…

Safety of Children in Care

In order to improve the safety of children and young people in care, insight into the extent of harm, how this manifests, and the nature of…

2017 Results from the Home Safety Study: Alcohol and risk of injuries from unintentional cutting, piercing and falls at home

This report contains results from the Home Safety Study on alcohol and risk of injuries from unintentional cutting, piercing and falls at home. 

'Unearth our ancestral treasures so that we may prosper' summary

This evaluation summary highlights effective practice in kōhanga reo, specifically the support children need to grow and thrive through a quality immersion pathway. It identifies what…

Getting It Right. The Children’s Convention in Aotearoa

The report looks at how New Zealand is putting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Children’s Convention) into practice, and where it can…

Supporting the implementation of patient portals

New Zealand's health system supports nearly every New Zealander at some time in their life. As part of providing better services to New Zealanders, the Ministry…

2013/14 to 2015/16 Attitudes and Behaviour towards Alcohol Survey: Non-Drinkers Analysis

The Attitudes and Behaviour towards Alcohol Survey (ABAS) is a national survey of people aged 15 years and over about alcohol consumption patterns, alcohol-related behaviour, consequences…

Innovation and the performance of New Zealand firms

This paper looks at the impact of innovation on the performance of New Zealand firms. Results show that innovating firms grew more quickly than non-innovators but…