Search Results

154 results

Evaluation of the Governance Training Trial

Governance skills, strategic planning, and financial literacy are becoming increasingly necessary for Iwi to undertake their responsibilities within a pre- and post-Treaty settlement environment. In 2016,…

Evaluation of a Nurse Practitioner Education Programme

Nurse practitioners are highly skilled health practitioners who can provide a wide range of assessment and treatment interventions. Their broad scope of practice enables them to…

Formative evaluation of the Principal Recruitment Allowance

The Principal Recruitment Allowance (PRA) is an allowance available to boards of trustees in schools which face significant challenges and have a principal vacancy. Its purpose…

From Care to Independence

Young people transitioning from being in care to living independently need support throughout this challenging time. Oranga Tamariki are currently designing a new transition service to…

Engineering e2e: An evaluation report

Engineering e2e (education-to-employment) is a programme designed to increase the number of engineers in New Zealand. It was established in 2014 by the Tertiary Education Commission…

ClubCHAMPS Project Evaluation Report

The ClubCHAMPS project operates in the King Country and Waipa regions and aims to reduce alcohol-related harm by supporting clubs that serve alcohol to develop effective…

Newly Graduated Teachers: Preparation and Confidence to Teach

In this evaluation, ERO met with newly graduated teachers (NGTs) and leaders in early learning services and schools to find out how confident and prepared NGTs…

MPTT Evaluation Findings

This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT)  model. The evaluation focusses on the operation and outcomes of the…

Rebuilding Canterbury, healthy and safe | Evaluation of Worksafe's Canterbury Rebuild Programme

This evaluation is intended to inform the next phase of WorkSafe’s focus on the Canterbury Rebuild and provide information for future interventions. The evaluation covered both…

Interim Evaluation Report: Healthy Families NZ

Healthy Families NZ is a large-scale initiative that is a key part in helping New Zealanders live healthy, active lives. There are 10 Healthy Families NZ…