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Department of Labour - merged into Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) formed 1 July 2012

Website: Department of Labour

Competing for Skills: Migration Policies and Trends in New Zealand and Australia

The aim of this study was to compare skilled migration policies in New Zealand and Australia from 2004/05 to 2008/09, including employment outcomes for primary/principal applicants…

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Journey

The Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement Research is following a group of Bhutanese refugees from camps in Nepal through to settlement in New Zealand.The research involves three phases…

New Zealand’s Refugee Sector: Perspectives and Developments, 1987–2010

This study is part of a wider Department of Labour research programme entitled Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community and Identity. This multi-year…

Labour Market Characteristics of Unpaid Carers

A substantial part of the workforce — about one-eighth — engage in unpaid care for "persons with ill health, a disability, mental illness, an addiction, or…

Customer Satisfaction with Immigration New Zealand Relationship Managers

The Employers of Migrants Survey assesses customer satisfaction with services provided by INZ, and the benefits and issues associated with employing migrants. This survey also monitors…

Attitudes towards Immigrants and Immigrant Experiences: Predictive models based on regional characteristics

In a globally competitive market, New Zealand has set about formulating immigration policy and practices for economic growth and development. At the same time, due consideration…

Labour Market Outcomes for Immigrants and the New Zealand-born 1997-2009

In this paper, unit record survey data from the 1997–2009 New Zealand Income Survey (NZIS) is used to examine: how labour market outcomes and returns to…

RSE Monitoring: Key findings from the 2010 Employers’ Survey

A multi-methods approach was used to evaluate the first two seasons of the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Policy (1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008, and…

International Migration Outlook – New Zealand

These reports has been prepared in response to a request for information for the OECD’s 2010 edition of International Migration Outlook. This annual publication is an…

The Impact of Immigration and Local Workforce Characteristics on Innovation

We combine firm-level microdata on innovation with area-level workforce characteristics to examine the relationship between local workforce characteristics, especially the presence of immigrants and local skills,…