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Website: Māori Language Commission: Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori
Email: roimata@tetaurawhiri.govt.nz
The Māori Language Commission was set up under the Māori Language Act 1987 and continued under Te Ture Reo Māori 2016 | Māori Language Act 2016 to promote the use of Māori as a living language and as an ordinary means of communication.
We are an autonomous Crown entity. We are responsible to Parliament for the use of public funds to support our objectives. Each year, the Minister of Māori Development issues a Letter of Expectations.
We produce a Statement of Intent (SOI) which is a four-year plan and a one-year plan known as a Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE). The SOI and the SPE are submitted to Parliament and published on our website.
We report against our SOI, SPE and the Minister’s Letter of Expectations in our Annual Report, published every year.
Our roles are:
Having a key role in leading coordination of the Crown Māori Language Strategy implementation;
Promotion of te reo Māori to wider New Zealand;
Language planning support and evaluation;
Carrying out and commissioning research;
Examination and registration of translators and interpreters;
Testing levels of proficiency;
Language development ensuring Māori language can be used effectively in all circumstances; and
Reporting to the Minister for Māori Development on matters relating to the Māori language.
Last Publication Date: 31 Jan 2020
Literature Review This review draws from a range of literature sources to provide an overview of key themes and common understandings surrounding the factors that impact…
Last Publication Date: 30 Jun 2019
Evaluation of te reo Māori in Englishe-medium compulsory educationThe purpose of the study for this report was to understand the actual and potential contribution of the…
Normalising te reo Māori across non-traditional Māori language domains In 2018, Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (The Māori Language Commission) commissioned the New Zealand…
Last Publication Date: 1 Nov 2018
Te reo Māori, the indigenous language of Aotearoa New Zealand, is intricately connected to these islands and their peoples. Pākehā comprise a small proportion of speakers…
Last Publication Date: 22 Jun 2017
This research explored how whānau in nine communities were working towards re-establishing te reo Māori as a secure, living language and a normal means of communication…
Last Publication Date: 1 Mar 2017
This study offers new perspectives into the economic contribution of Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori to the New Zealand economy. The report aims to provide…
Last Publication Date: 1 Apr 2015
This research engaged with individuals and groups who are actively involved with te reo Māori revitalisation and regeneration. It aimed to identify their particular research/knowledge needs,…
Last Publication Date: 12 Mar 2025
Tukua ki te AoThis cross-sectorial study investigates the use of te reo Māori in three types of organisations (local council, secondary schools and companies) with the…
Kura Whakarauora is a practical workshop for participants to develop a plan to revitalise the Māori language in a supportive and interactive environment. This research project evaluates…