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Health Research Council of New Zealand | Te Kaunihera Rangahau Hauora o Aotearoa

Website: Health Research Council of New Zealand


Kids in the City – children’s independent mobility and physical activity in suburban neighbourhoods

This three year research project funded in 2010 by the Health Research Council investigates how urban neighbourhood environments can facilitate children’s independent mobility (IM – outdoor…

Environmental and socio-demographic associates of children's active transport to school: A cross-sectional investigation from the URBAN Study

Active transport (e.g., walking, cycling) to school (ATS) can contribute to children’s physical activity and health. The built environment is acknowledged as an important factor in…

Hapū Ora: Wellbeing in the early stages of life

The aim of this project was to identify Māori life course research priorities, with a specific focus on wellbeing at the early stage of life, hapū…

Oranga niho me ngā tangata whaiora: Oral health and Māori mental health patients

This research report explores rehabilitative dental treatment provided to a small group of Māori mental health patients within the Western Bay of Plenty and how this…

The Distribution of Household Crowding in New Zealand: An analysis based on 1991 to 2006 Census data

The Distribution of Household Crowding in New Zealand: An analysis based on the 1991 to 2006 Census data looks at the distribution of exposure to household…

Primary Care for Pacific People: A Pacific and Health Systems Approach

Pacific peoples have poorer health status across a wide variety of measures compared to the total New Zealand population. They also appear to have the least…

Early Start Evaluation Report

Early Start is an evidence-based, early intervention programme developed by Professor David Fergusson, from the Christchurch School of Medicine, in conjunction with local social service providers…

Uia Tonutia: Māori Disability Research Agenda

The Māori Disability Research Agenda aims to support research on Māori living with disability and their whānau/family. It has three objectives: Building quality evidence. Capability development.…

Oranga Waha: Oral Health Research Priorities for Māori

The Ministry of Health and the Health Research Council of New Zealand funded Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pōmare (University of Otago, Wellington) and seven…

Cancer Trends: Trends in Cancer Incidence by Ethnic and Socioeconomic Group, New Zealand 1981–2004

This report presents trends in ethnic and socioeconomic inequalities in the incidence of 28 cancers over a quarter of a century (1981–2004). It is the first…