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Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) | Te Kaporeihana Āwhina Hunga Whara

Website: ACC


Supporting treatment safety – 2018 report

Te Kaveinga presents an analysis of the mental health of Pacific peoples and this report summarises key findings on Pacific peoples’ mental and looks at intra-Pacific…

Evaluation of Patient Safety Week - 5-11 November 2017

Patient Safety Week was an awareness-raising week held from 5–11 November 2017.It was coordinated for the fourth time by the Health Quality & Safety Commission (the…

Treatment injury prevention through supporting patient safety

ACC is focused on reducing the incidence and severity of treatment injuries in New Zealand. That’s why we are investing $45 million in initiatives over the…

2016 Forestry research

The forestry sector is one of WorkSafe’s four priority sectors due to the high incidence of injuries and fatalities. WorkSafe has had a dedicated Forestry Programme…

Review of evidence for primary prevention of child abuse and neglect (including child sexual abuse)

This report summarises the evidence in relation to what works for the primary prevention of child abuse and neglect (CAN) including child sexual abuse (CSA) with…

Childhood Sexual Abuse and Alcohol Use Disorder

Childhood sexual abuse can have significant short- and long-term effects, including the subsequent development of alcohol use disorder. This report is an evidence-based guide on the association between…

The case for investment in: A quality improvement programme to reduce pressure injuries in New Zealand

This report from KPMG presents the findings of a qualitative study into reducing pressure injuries in New Zealand. Pressure injuries are a major cause of preventable…

My home is my marae - Kaupapa Māori evaluation: community report

‘My home is my marae’ is a falls prevention initiative designed to empower Māori communities through sharing knowledge and skills about home safety. It was trialled…

Mates & Dates: Healthy relationship programme for secondary students

Mates & Dates is a healthy relationships programme for secondary school students. It’s designed to help prevent sexual and dating violence by teaching young people relationship…

Reducing Harm from Falls - Evaluation of the Mini-Collaborative Aged Residential Care Programme in the Wellington Region

The Health Quality & Safety Commission (HQSC) in conjunction with the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) and three Wellington-based District Health Boards (DHBs), established a mini-collaborative to…