Search Results

285 results in multiple government agencies

Firm-level Hiring Difficulties: Persistence, business cycle and local labour market influences

This research examines the incidence and persistence of reported hiring difficulties at the firm level. It investigates the characteristics of firms that are more likely to…

Ultimit benefit: Women Trainees in the Electricity Supply Industry

This research, by ESITO, shares the stories of nine women in the electricity supply industry. The aim of the research is to gain a better understanding…

Changes in women’s earnings

This report, prepared by NZIER, describes the drivers of changes in the economic returns to women’s skills over the past 30 years and considers how these…

Short-term Employment Prospects

The below reports provide employment prospects forecasts for 2012-15 and 2013-2016. The Ministry uses a short-term forecasting model that draws on the latest macroeconomic forecasts by…

Who Left, Who Returned and Who Was Still Away? Migration patterns of 2003 graduates, 2004-2010

This report presents new research on the extent that domestic graduates from tertiary education institutes (TEIs) leave, and then return to, New Zealand. It examines the…

Lightning does strike twice: preventing sexual revictimisation

This research presents a complex picture of sexual violence and revictimisation. It emphasises the importance of early identification of repeat survivors and the need to break…

The Costs of Involuntary Job Loss: Impacts on workers' employment and earnings

This paper examines the incidence of involuntary job loss and its impact on the employment and earnings of affected workers, using data from the Survey of…

Indicators of permanent migrants from the Pacific

Pacific people have a long history of settlement in New Zealand, with several waves of migration from various parts of the Pacific throughout the last century…

Employers’ Perspectives - Part two: The Minimum Wage System

This report presents the findings from two data sources of employers’ perspectives on the minimum wage system. The report discusses the prevalence of its use, how…

Does gender matter? Findings from an online survey and interviews of engineering graduates from 2000 and 2005

Findings from an online survey and interviews of engineering graduates from 2000 and 2005.