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333 results in multiple government agencies

Coverage assessment in an administrative census: A progress report on issues and methods

Coverage assessment in an administrative census: A progress report on issues and methods reports on preliminary investigation into issues and methods for coverage assessment, if Statistics…

Comparing revisions in time series data: A report on seasonally adjusted versus trend series

In this paper, we describe our investigation into whether using the trend rather than the seasonally adjusted series could improve the stability of the figures in…

Valuing the census

Valuing the census quantifies in dollar terms the benefits to New Zealand gained through the use of census and population statistics information. The conclusion is clear:…

An initial investigation into the potential for administrative data to provide census long-form information

This paper forms part of the first phase of the Census Transformation programme. It provides a first broad look at the potential for administrative data to…

Options for future New Zealand censuses: Census Transformation programme

This paper outlines potential options for future censuses in New Zealand. These options form the basis for investigative work to assess the feasibility of each option.…

Flexibility and security in employment: Findings from the 2012 Survey of Working Life

This report presents findings, mainly from the 2012 Survey of Working Life, on non-standard employment, job security, and job flexibility in New Zealand’s labour market. The…

Meeting longitudinal information needs

The aim of the paper Options for meeting longitudinal information needs: A preliminary investigation is to identify the main future requirements for longitudinal data for research and…

Forecasting mortality in New Zealand (Stats NZ WP 14-01)

Statistics New Zealand regularly derives projections as an indication of future changes in New Zealand’s population size, age-sex structure, and growth rate. The projections are based…

The rise of temporary migration in New Zealand and its impact on the labour market

This study begins to answer the question of whether temporary migrants have had an impact on the employment outcomes of New Zealanders, either when the economy…

New Zealand socio-economic index 2006

This report describes the construction and initial assessment of the New Zealand socio-economic index 2006 (NZSEI-06), which is an update of the New Zealand socio-economic index…