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81 results in multiple government agencies

Observations on the use of Debt by Local Government in New Zealand

The use of debt by local government in New Zealand has historically followed a cyclical pattern. This pattern is the result of a number of factors.…

Community Access to Digital Technologies: a literature review

The purpose of this literature review was to find the evidence needed to better answer the following questions: What are the factors (including precursors) that relate…

Sustainability in Community Organisations: a literature review

The Research and Evaluation Services Team of the Department of Internal Affairs conducted this literature review to inform and support its work with communities. The project…

Review of selected New Zealand government-funded community development programmes

This paper draws on the evaluations of some government-funded community development programmes undertaken in New Zealand in recent years to gain insights into the practices adopted…

First principles review of Crown funded schemes: review and proposed approach

This paper outlines the process the Department of Internal Affairs (the Department) undertook to review five community Crown funded schemes and the results of the review.…

Some international approaches to community grant funding

This paper provides an overview of approaches to grant-making for community development in selected countries. It presents a high-level picture aimed to inform the development of…

Audience 360 Report 2011

The Audience 360° Report 2011 is one of the tools provided by Creative New Zealand to help arts organisations and venues tap into their potential market…

The art of the possible: strengthening private sector support for the Arts in New Zealand

Published in October 2010 this report identifies opportunities for increasing revenue to the arts from private sources. The report concludes that in New Zealand the greatest…

Research on Young Emerging Arts Practitioners for Creative New Zealand

This research report was commissioned by Creative New Zealand to gain baseline information on young and emerging New Zealand artists and practitioners, the environment they operate…

‘What Works’ to achieve effective collaboration between community organisations – a literature review

Allen and Clarke Policy and Regulatory Specialists Ltd (Allen & Clarke) was engaged by the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) to carry out a literature review…