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317 results in multiple government agencies

Indicators of permanent migrants from the Pacific

Pacific people have a long history of settlement in New Zealand, with several waves of migration from various parts of the Pacific throughout the last century…

Employers’ Perspectives - Part two: The Minimum Wage System

This report presents the findings from two data sources of employers’ perspectives on the minimum wage system. The report discusses the prevalence of its use, how…

Evaluation of the NZTE Incubator Support Program

The incubator support programme seeks to enhance the survival and growth of early-stage, high-growth businesses via the development of high-quality incubators. It currently contributes to eight…

A Changing Landscape: Recruitment Challenges Following the Canterbury Earthquakes

This is the second report from the Canterbury Employers Survey that was run by the Department of Labour in October 2011.It focuses on employers’ perceptions of…

Defining and Measuring Training Activity in New Zealand Workplaces

While there is a large body of evidence that highlights the association between skills and workplace productivity, robust information about employer-provided training and skill development is…

Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Findings from the Focus Group

Quota Refugees Ten Years On: Perspectives on Integration, Community and Identity is a multi-year research programme that was developed to better understand the long-term journeys of…

Immigration Survey Monitoring Programme - Methodology

The target population for the Migrants Survey is migrants aged 18 years and over who were approved for residence through the Skilled/Business Migrants Stream or Family…

Puataunofo Come Home Safely, Impact Report

This report documents the range and impact of Puataunofo Come Home Safely initiatives as identified by key informants selected by Puataunofo Come Home Safely representatives. The…

Medium-Long Term Employment Outlook: Looking ahead to 2020

The employment outlook for the 2015-20 March year period is outlined in this paper, broken down by industry and occupation. It will be used to inform…

RSE Monitoring: Key Findings from the 2011 Employers Survey

The purpose of this report is to summarise the key findings from an online survey of employers in the horticulture and viticulture industry. The survey was…