317 results in multiple government agencies
Last Publication Date: 1 Apr 2015
Whānau and Low-Income Household Savings, He Kai Kei Aku Ringa, examines options for whānau and low-income household savings schemes, and identifies several areas through which the…
The Regional Business Partners (RBP) programme was established in 2010. It is a network of 14 regionally based entities – delivery agents or regional partners –…
The Ministry for Culture and Heritage (MCH) and Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) have carried out an initial review of the New Zealand Screen…
Using the International Growth Fund (IGF) to assist high-growth firms to internationalise was one of the actions identified by the government’s Business Growth Agenda as contributing…
Last Publication Date: 1 Jan 2015
•Research was undertaken on the 2009 investor migrant policy •As part of this research, an online survey and qualitative interviews with investor migrants and agents/lawyers were…
Business participation in government assistance programmes presents descriptive statistics on the businesses that participate in different types of government assistance programmes (GAP), including their size, industry, and…
Last Publication Date: 1 Dec 2014
This annual report is the 14th in a series that examines trends in temporary and permanent migration to and from New Zealand. The report updates trends…
The NSE 2013/14 surveyed 1,043 New Zealand employers between November 2013 and March 2014. This is the second year where the respondent sample has been drawn…
Last Publication Date: 1 Oct 2014
This paper summarises the available information on skills matching in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector. It draws from statistics and research in the area,…
The Canterbury Work Rights (CWR) Initiative came into force on 27 August 2012. The initiative trialled the extension of eligibility for part-time work rights for English…