Search Results

190 results in multiple government agencies

Pacific Families and Problem Debt

This research looks at how Pacific families manage their finances. The information can be used by government and providers as they design future initiatives with Pacific…

Māori Immersion Education for your Child

This publication provides information for parents and whānau and looks at: the benefits of Māori immersion education, what to expect, what children learn, preparing your child…

Every Māori Counts

Why do Māori leave New Zealand and move to another country to live? Which countries do they settle in and why? How are they faring in…

Māori Youth Transitions: Gateway

This summary is specific to good practice findings in the Gateway programme, which was one of the three programmes or services evaluated. Gateway supports secondary students…

Māori Youth Transitions

Māori with higher levels of qualifications are more likely to be employed and earn higher incomes. Higher qualifications also have a positive influence on broader socio-economic…

The Status of Marae in 2009 – Te Ora o te Marae i 2009

Marae are a key feature of the cultural Infrastructure of Māori society, acting as guardians of mātauranga and taonga and connecting whānau through whakapapa. The Status…

Waka Māori: He Pūrongo Rangahau/ Waka Māori: Survey Report

Waka Māori was a Māori showcase pavilion supported by Government to: contribute to the vibrancy and energy of the Auckland waterfront; provide a unique venue for…

Evaluation of Skylight's Travellers programme

Travellers is an early intervention programme run by Skylight for students (generally in Year 9) in New Zealand secondary schools.In order to build on existing studies…

Building a science curriculum with an effective nature of science component

This report is one of a series written for the Ministry of Education as part of the Curriculum support for science strand of the Science in…

Māori and future food technologies

Te Wāhanga has been working with the Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd (ESR) on a project about future food technologies and Māori well-being. It…