
190 results in multiple government agencies

Evaluation of Skylight's Travellers programme

Travellers is an early intervention programme run by Skylight for students (generally in Year 9) in New Zealand secondary schools.In order to build on existing studies…

Māori and future food technologies

Te Wāhanga has been working with the Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd (ESR) on a project about future food technologies and Māori well-being. It…

Science community engagement with schools

This report documents the first phase of a project looking at school–science community engagement initiatives. This project was funded by the Ministry of Education and carried…

Māori Export Competitiveness

This report was produced because Te Puni Kōkiri wanted to gain a better understanding of the economic benefits of exporting, areas of New Zealand’s exporting advantage,…

Māori: Demographics for Economic Return

Te Puni Kōkiri commissioned research to help create an evidence base on the impacts of demographic trends and their implications for Māori economic futures. The report…

Competent Children, Competent Learners

The Competent Children, Competent Learners project is a longitudinal study undertaken by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) which focuses on a group of…

Addressing the Drivers of Crime for Māori

The Government’s work to address the Drivers of Crime is co-led by the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Māori Affairs. Te Puni Kōkiri is…