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190 results in multiple government agencies

Ka whānau mai te reo: Kei tua o te kura

Ka whānau mai te reo: Kei tua o te kura—Understanding how tertiary education organisations are supporting the transitions of reo Māori learners and speakers completes the series…

Te Waipounamu Regional Profile 2017

Te Puni Kōkiri measures a range of outcomes that fall within Whakapapa (te reo Māori and connection to iwi), Oranga (whānau well-being and whānau housing), Whairawa…

Cultural Revitalisation: One Pasifika Perspective

In this paper, Anne Moefa’auo looks at Cultural Revitalisation in relation to her role as a secondary school teacher of migrants and refugees. This is the third…

Cultural Revitalisation and the making of identity with Aotearoa New Zealand

This is the fourth in a series of papers Te Puni Kōkiri commissioned to contribute to the development of our work around Oranga Māoritanga – Cultural…

Māori cultural revitalisation in social networking sites

This kaupapa forms the basis of her paper Māori cultural revitalisation in social media sites where she discusses key concepts of cultural revitalisation that are being…

Pūmau Tonu te Mauri, Living as Māori, now and in the future

In this paper, Pūmau Tonu te Mauri, Living as Māori, now and in the future Sir Mason reminds us of the challenge to adopt and support…

A matter of personal and national identity – a note on revitalising Māori culture

This paper A matter of personal and national identity – a note on revitalising Māori culture provides his perspective as one who is “looking in from…

Training for a Reflective Workforce: Transfer of learning for support worker apprentices

This report presents findings from a research project focusing on a group of 21 apprentices undertaking the new Careerforce apprenticeship programme, the Level 4 New Zealand…

Te Ritorito 2017: Towards whānau, hapū and iwi wellbeing

View the presentations from our inaugural Te Ritorito forum. This hui aimed to illustrate what the bigger picture of whānau, hapū and iwi wellbeing looks like…

Mode equivalency in PAT: Reading Comprehension

This report details the results of an investigation into the school-based assessment, PAT: Reading Comprehension, which has recently gone online. NZCER wanted to know whether the…